So, Ajaqa told me about her blog and asked me to write the occasional article for it as well. And I’m happy to oblige, not the least because she built me this awesome Vargur that I can’t even fly yet because I suddenly started training to fly Logi for the EVE Rookies Incursions fleet! Well, that’s me in a nutshell.
I am still running Incursions with them multiple times a week but additionally I am currently “commuting” every day because there’s free skill points in Caldari, you know, because of the Caldari Union Day but the Incursion is situated half-way around New Eden in Minmatar space. However, I do want those free skill points so that I can finally fly that Basilisk that I already have waiting for me. And the daily trip around New Eden ain’t that bad, either… got a small ship for the way, taking out pirates left and right, loot all the shit, life is what you make it, right?
Oh, yeah, yesterday a funny thing happened during the Incursion. One of the pilot actually had a killright on them so FC activated it so we could get rid of the killright, and I got the killshot! Now, my corp is named “Non-Aggressive Player Foundation” but that only ever means that I will never initiate non-consensual combat with another capsuleer, and this event was clearly very consensual.
Anyway, I have to kill more pirates now. Have a nice day and see you later! o/