Optimizing the Tempest

So, as I have written previously, I am using the Tempest to run level 3 and 4 missions when I’m not doing Incursions. And I’m still optimizing the fit; just recently I have found a real quality-of-life upgrade for it: throw out the measley 100MN Afterburner, put in a 500MN Microwarpdrive! (Find the current version on EVE Workbench.)

Yes, it’s not cap-stable with all of it running at the same time but it doesn’t have to be. With the Microwarpdrive I can get away from the targets and when I’m so far away they can’t even hit me, that’s the perfect time to repair the shields. And it’s really way, way cooler to burn 60 km when you actually do 1.1 km/s and not only 397 m/s… stay tuned for more updates! 😀

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