So, yes, I seem to have firmly settled in with an alliance in the northern part of New Eden’s nullsec area, right into an active war zone!
And it’s quite exciting here. CONCORD also offers bounties for the pirates that are active in here so one of my favourite pastimes can still be used as a viable income source which suits me perfectly. And if I’m bored I can team up with a couple of corp mates and have a skirmish
with whoever is showing up and as we’re quite close to low- and highsec there’s always people showing up, looking for a fight!
However, my mining has taken quite a backseat over all the flurries of other activities that are going on all the time… which is probably mostly due to the fact that all my blueprints have only recently gotten out of Asset Safety and now need to find their way back to me and I personally cannot be arsed to shuttle them around myself so I’m paying somebody else to do it and well, that does take its time. Totally worth it, though because of all the things in New Eden I probably enjoy hauling the least.