Holy moly, I have been flying with Warp to Me today and it was pretty amazing.
First, I got into a Headquarters fleet and apparently was thrown directly into a True Creations Research Center (aka TCRC) which is supposed to be the hardest of all HQ sites… but as I was completely new to all of it and totally overwhelmed by all the action on the screen I didn’t really notice any difference between the three sites at all so I guess that was fine?
I flew with them for a bit more than an hour, had some dinner, then decided to X up to fly some more and had the opportunity to also take a sneak peek into what Assault sites are like. The fleet is smaller, around half the size of HQ fleets (so 20 pilots instead of 40) but for logi the difference is not really noticeable. All in all it went without any problems (except for my ultra-slow faction afterburner which needs to be switched for an abyssal at some point), and after a short time we managed to upgrade our fleet to an HQ fleet as one of the other fleets running at the time stood down.
So, that was my first day with Warp to Me and I am very happy with how it turned out. I will be flying with them a lot more in the future as long as they’ll have me but — and I’mma be honest here — I am looking forward to running some nice relaxing Vanguard sites with EVE Rookies tomorrow night!