Hi! I’m Ajaqa, and I live in highsec.
(Oh boy, I really need to rewrite this section because I haven’t lived in highsec for months now, pretty much since Trying New Things…)
I know, I know, some of you will immediately be like “oh no, not another one,” but I guess some people just don’t like the idea of non-consensuality. I am well aware that highsec doesn’t completely protect you from assholes who just want to ruin other peoples’ days1 (and lifes) but it reduces the amount of bullshit you have to deal with by quite a bit.
(1 Everybody has a plan of what they’re doing, where they’re going, and why, and if you blow up their ship you mess with that plan. Having one’s plans messed with does influence your mood and while you can totally argue that EVE is “not real” or “just a game” I assure you the emotions you feel are very real.)
So, yes, highsec… oh, and Minmatar! If I hadn’t been born in the Minmatar Republic I would have willingly moved there. The people are amazing, the ships are beautiful, and everything else exists in abundance here as well! So why go anywhere else? No idea!
Next most important thing for people living in New Eden seems to be money… but to be honest, I have never cared much for money. Sure, it’s nice to be able to feed yourself and always have what you need to survive but I found that I don’t have a pressing need to spend all my time chasing the ideal maximum amount of ISK for every hour I live. Fuck that! If your only idea of fun in a universe as dense and diverse as New Eden is “ISK/h” you’re nobody I want to associate with.
Oh, and by the way, my name is pronounced “Ayasha.”