I have recently started to diversify my undertakings a bit, to catch more of the beauty New Eden has to offer. And what I currently feel drawn to quite a bit is nullsec, the lawless wild-west style area of New Eden that comprises an estimated 75% of the known star systems (too lazy to do real math now).
I have always enjoyed hunting pirates in empire space but here in nullsec the bloody pirates are everywhere! It’s quite impossible to take a turn somewhere and not stumble upon a huge number of pirate installations that are just begging to be taken down! And with the nicely increased Bounty Risk Modifier set up by CONCORD I am more than happy to oblige!
And the loot all these battleships drop is amazing. Sometimes it’s so much that I can’t scoop up all the loot and my MTU at the same time!
I just need a way to chew through all those battleships a little bit faster because my drones sometimes take their sweet while but I already do have a plan for that…